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Union County Community Gardens

Monroe Community Garden

Monroe, NC has a community garden in the center of the city. Monroe Community Garden is sponsored by First Presbyterian Church and Heart for Monroe. The garden sits next to the public library and has been in use for the last nine years. The garden manager is Tracey McDanel.


Monroe Community Garden has a dual purpose. It has 18 raised beds that can be assigned to a family (a donation of $20.00 is always nice). Currently, there are two open beds. There is also about a half an acre of land that is planted every year by Heart for Monroe and its’ volunteers. The gardeners plant potatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, bell peppers, eggplant, broccoli, cabbage, okra, tomatoes, melons, and squash as well as other vegetables each year to donate. Through Heart for Monroe these vegetables are distributed throughout the community.


The garden always welcomes volunteer help and Tracey has a wish list if anyone is interested in donating. The wish list includes but is not limited to; seeds or plants for any veggies, flowers (not bushes or tall), a rain barrel, wheelbarrow, a compost bin, and compost. 


To reach out, please contact First Presbyterian Church Monroe or Heart for Monroe.

Wingate Community Garden

The Town of Wingate’s Community Garden is open to the entire Wingate community to lease a raised bed by donation. The Collaborative for the Common Good has partnered with Union County Cooperative Extension to provide resources that will help to support and guide your gardening experience. We supply all the materials you will need and will be offering seed banks and transplantable plants at no additional cost. We will have workdays and programming throughout the growing season to build community through gardening. If you are interested, please email or call (704) 283-3801.

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